Article 14

5 Tips to Stay Hydrated

Written by Medical Department, Swiss Stem Cell Malaysia

Published on December 9, 2023

Many people find it difficult to consume enough water each day, despite the fact that staying properly hydrated is crucial for general health. Numerous health problems, including fatigue and impaired cognitive function, can result from dehydration. Here are five tips that can help to maintain hydration throughout the day.

1. Drink Water Regularly
Drinking water regularly throughout the day is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to stay hydrated. Try to consume a consistent amount rather than a big one all at once. Think about bringing a reusable bottle water and occasionally taking tiny sips. This method keeps you consistently hydrated and aids in your body’s more efficient absorption of water.

2. Set Hydration Goals
When it comes to monitoring your water intake, setting precise hydration goals can be quite beneficial. Determine the amount of water you should drink each day based on your age, weight and activity level. You may also track your water intake and receive reminders when it’s time to hydrate with apps and wearable devices.

3. Infuse with Flavours
Adding natural flavours to plain water can help make it easier to consume for people who have trouble drinking it. To make your water taste better, squeeze in some lime, lemon, cucumber or add a few sprigs of mints. Herbal teas, including green tea or chamomile can also help you drink more water each day and have additional health advantages.


4. Mindful Hydration During Exercise
Exercise increases the body’s need for water, therefore it’s important to drink enough of it. In order to replace the fluids lost through sweating, drink water prior to, during, and after your workout.


5. Eat Hydrating Foods
Certain foods can help you stay hydrated overall since they contain a lot of water. Vegetables like celery and fruits like watermelon, cucumber and oranges are great options. By include these hydrating foods in your diet, you can increase the amount of nutrients and water you consume.

It might be easy to forget how important it is to stay hydrated in the daily life. Maintaining ideal levels of hydration can be greatly impacted by implementing these straightforward yet powerful suggestions.