Article 12

8 Effective Ways to Improve Immunity

Written by Amanda E. Lampong

Published on November 29, 2023

One of the most important factors in preserving our health and well-being is a strong immune system. The immune system defends the body against illness and infection, combating everything from common cold and flu viruses to dangerous diseases like cancer. To strengthen your immune system and lead a healthy lifestyle, there are numerous things you may do.

1. Nutrient Rich Diet

Copper, folate, iron, zinc, selenium and the vitamins A, B6, B12, C and D are among the nutrients that support a healthy immune system. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to take supplements, as several vitamins supplements have the potential to be dangerous when taken in excess. Instead, you can obtain essential nutrients through a diet rich in variety of fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, dairy, meat, fish and plant proteins like pulses.

2. Quality Sleep

Our body produce cytokines, which are proteins that target infection and inflammation, creating an immune response, while we sleep. T-cells are also produced by our body while we sleep. White blood cells called T-cells are essential to the immune system’s reaction to infectious diseases in our bodies. To promote an optimal immune response, aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to allow the body to repair and regenerate.

3. Stay Hydrated

Since the human body is almost 70% water, it should come as no surprise that maintaining enough hydration is essential to good health. Water is essential for carrying nutrients between cells, aiding in the effective removal of waste form our bodies and support detoxification. Water supports a strong and healthy immune system by carrying out these tasks.

4. Limit Sugar Consumption

Consuming large amounts of sugar can cause blood sugar to rise and drop, which stresses the body and may compromise the function of immune cells. Reducing the amount of added sugar-containing foods and drinks you consume, such as cake, ice cream, candies, and sugary drinks, will strengthen your immune system and enhance general health.

5. Exercise Daily

Engaging in regular physical activity encourages the immune system to send white blood cells to additional areas where germs and viruses can be found. Exercise not only encourages the immune cells to circulate throughout the body during physical activity, but it also prolongs their presence for up to three hours after physical activity has ended. This gives your immune system more time to recognize foreign invaders and prevent illness.

6. Good Hygiene

Practicing good hygiene is crucial in improving the immune system. By taking regular showers, washing hands frequently and maintaining a clean environment, it can help prevent the spread of harmful germs that can cause infections.

7. Minimize Stress

Chronic stress can increase your body’s inflammatory response. When inflammation is on-going, it can wear down the immune system and make it less effective overall. Manage your stress levels and boost your immune system by engaging in stress-reduction practices like yoga, mindfulness, deep breathing, or meditation.

8. Natural Supplements

Supplements made of natural ingredients may help to strengthen and support the immune system. Several types of natural supplements can help improve the immune system are vitamin C, D, zinc, echinacea, probiotics and elderberry. It’s crucial to understand that, even though these supplements have certain advantages, general health should still be achieved by a balanced diet, consistent exercise, and enough sleep.


Taylor, V. (n.d.). What should I eat to boost my immunity? British Heart Foundation.

UC Health. (n.d.). Better Sleep Habits to Strengthen Immunity.

Rayne Water Conditioning (2023, February 24). Does Drinking Water Boost Your Immune System?

Kubala, J. (2021, March 22). 10 Foods That May Weaken Your Immune System. Healthline.

Birkel, L. (2021, October 12). Exercise and your immune system. Gundersen Health System.